Gathering Of Musicians

Gathering Of Musicians Music is a driving force in my life. It has set the tone for a decent amount of my choice. Dropping out of high school was one of the best things I could have chose to do in my quest to become successful in music entertainment. And for 10 years I made…

Things I’ve learned while learning

• Things I’ve learned while learning If I am to be tired of anything it is what I am learning while I am learning. A sad feeling comes over me as I embrace my powers of observational exercises. People can be unaware, unsure, and unkind if you let them. There are good people out there…

Music Along the Sound

• Music Along the Sound Music is the heart of life. It connects us even when our languages seem silence and lost in translation. Music moves the world around us and brings people together. It has the power to drive motivation or tackle your soul down to darken shadows deep within depression. Music is and…

Depression’s Depth

• Depression’s Depth Into a bottomless pit of empty wonders and lost ideas. Dark roads flicking with desperate light attempting to break through your eyes. Hopeless pressure pushing down upon your body, left untouched by options. The warmth of blankets covering your soul, keeping you in a prison of failed efforts to get up and…

One Path of many choices

• “One Path of many choices” At this point in my entertainment career comedy is a good chunk of it. Been in entertainment for twenty plus years and about half that is in comedy. The art of stand up comedy is a difficult cut throat world as any field of entertainment is. The difference, you…

Making waves

• Making waves The world is simple; Put in an effort and you will get results. It works. I am living proof. I dropped out of high school and became a self made man. Spent ten years making waves in music. That lead me to Canada, other States in America playing my heart out. It…

Poetry in motion

• Poetry in motion Being an entertainer is a struggle. It becomes a battle after every failed audition, bomb on stage, lack of ticket sales, and of course any expression of art turning to a flop. Even when you don’t feel your creative juices flowing, that can push you to hide. There comes a point…

Holiday Jeer?

• Holiday Jeer? Merry… I have no idea what one can say here without offending people. Including, what I just said. I love the holidays, I am just not a fan of them. As an entertainer you could make a lot of money working on a holiday. It only cost you your friends, family, and…

A Bucket of Lists

• A Bucket of Lists Some people make a nice long Bucket List. I, going above and beyond the normal amount sanity, have created a few bucket lists. A bucket of lists… or A bucket of bucket lists as one might put it. What does that mean? Well, over the years I have completed my…

The Ram will break through

Work work work; That is what my life has become? It’s all good. Focusing on my SMART Goals is where I have to find my motivation. I have many small things that need to be done to get these larger goals off the ground. On the Tenth of this month I will officially be responsible…

Another Chapter part 4

Another Chapter part 4 So, my one year adventure starts right here! • 06.01.11 Opened the BBR Productions Inc., office in Miller Place. Made some great connections and started pushing forward. Got to work with everyone from to Stan Lee of Marvel Comics. I had even became best friends with also known as Stoney! Meeting him changed…

Another Chapter part 3

Another Chapter part 3 Where to begin? How about the year I started to focus all my knowledge into one purpose; To succeed. It takes one year to become successful at anything you do. As long as you are working that year 365 days while doing some form of Networking, Marketing, and Practice; both of…

Another Chapter part 2

Another Chapter part 2 Last you read; I was living in Florida working my butt off. • 04.20.10 (give or take) Lived in Florida doing comedy, mostly networking with people while practicing the craft of comedy. Mostly worked on public speaking by being on stage as much as I could in my spare time. Handed…

Another Chapter – Part 1

Another Chapter – Part 1 Wednesday, August 25 2010 ; Working an open mic night… this is where my Journal started. The first entry into the “Traveling Adventures of a Resilient Entertainer” began. Where am I from all those months ago. It just so happens to be a little less than two years ago. What…

I miss drawing

I miss drawing; I started my life out drawing. It was what calmed me down. It took me almost 18 years to realize I hate drawing stuff for other people. I wasn’t ready to make a living off of drawing for other people. I enjoyed it greatly. How the colors came to life because my…