Peace; The Final Frontier

• Peace; The Final Frontier Peace; The Final Frontier. A place most of us dream of being. There are others patiently moving calmly in this state of mind. Yet, few will understand how one can live softly inside a mental utopia of peace. Deep in a revolving door of turmoil our speck of a blue planet…

Produce Results

• “Produce Results” There are people waiting around hoping for something to happen. How much would really come from it? I would rather bet my calculated chances on a risk than wait around hoping to be discovered. Life is too short to wait it out. I am a go getter. I have been asked what…

Head up, looking outward

• Head up, looking outward This morning I was awoken by my puppy, again. This nine month old Rottweiler is an alarm all himself. Every morning 6:30 AM; or Pee-O’clock to him. It means; feed him, take him out for bathroom time and then on a walk if he so demands it. He demanded it.…

Can do Attitude

• Can do Attitude Make things happen by making things happen. I live by that motto ever since my first “No” was given to me. I never have known anything but to make things happen by making things happen. You can wish your life away or even believe you deserve the best because you are…

Carefree in a care free world

• Carefree in a care free world Let it slide off like water on a duck’s back. Swim through life listening to sounds of lake water moving peacefully around. Webbed feet paddling underneath, just below the water. Oh, the joy of being a duck. How often do people go around bothering ducks? I mean, people…

Brooklyn Bound

• Brooklyn Bound First off, Pizza on the corner of my street. Enough said, three minute walk. I am in heaven. This was the best move I ever made in my life. Pizza, did I mention pizza… and an Ice Cream shop right on the other corner. You have to be kidding me. Why didn’t…

Poetry in motion

• Poetry in motion Being an entertainer is a struggle. It becomes a battle after every failed audition, bomb on stage, lack of ticket sales, and of course any expression of art turning to a flop. Even when you don’t feel your creative juices flowing, that can push you to hide. There comes a point…

The value of man

• The value of man What is your value? Where do you stand with those around you. Most importantly, where do you stand with yourself? Your personal value will help grow value with others. In life you must embrace your personal value. Other people may or may not think highly of you, but they don’t…

Some is better than none

• Some is better than none “A little a day.” That’s what I told myself when I got into the swing of things. Entertainment is difficult. It is designed to keep the unmotivated out of the loop. Surfers are hard workers. Those individuals pushing through a strong ocean wave after being knocked out. Then dragged…

Another Chapter part 4

Another Chapter part 4 So, my one year adventure starts right here! • 06.01.11 Opened the BBR Productions Inc., office in Miller Place. Made some great connections and started pushing forward. Got to work with everyone from to Stan Lee of Marvel Comics. I had even became best friends with also known as Stoney! Meeting him changed…

Another Chapter part 2

Another Chapter part 2 Last you read; I was living in Florida working my butt off. • 04.20.10 (give or take) Lived in Florida doing comedy, mostly networking with people while practicing the craft of comedy. Mostly worked on public speaking by being on stage as much as I could in my spare time. Handed…