Needs of Purpose “365 Days To Success”

Needs of Purpose are a guide to organizing money. Creating accounts dedicated to Security, Growth, and Dream present an advantage to fueling your purpose in life. It’s all about protecting yourself, investing in yourself, and rewarding yourself. The foundation for wealth growth is mastering these 3 Needs Of Purpose. Learning the value of these needs…

Top 10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Films

Top 10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Films With 22 films over 10 years, the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to bring us spectacular movies. These are the top 10 Marvel Cinematic Universe films of Thomas J. Bellezza. After being a fan since the first Iron Man film till coming home after Tuesday night watching Spider-man Far From…

Talent “365 Days To Success”

Talent is something we develop over time with a lot of hard work and dedication. there is a point where talent can begin to take over your success and therefore become a wall to your opportunities. Focusing only on Talent could potentially slow down your rise to success! Do you have what it takes to….…

How To Get Out Of A Rut

During my time battling cancer and before that moment I had found myself in a prison of pain and hurt. Emotionally I was not where I wanted to be and it affected my soul in a dark way. Coming up on two years after beating cancer I am learning to give myself permission to forgive…

“Summer Free” Poem from SHE

“Summer Free” Cold sneaks in through open windows shroud Fire’s bright sun pales behind a soft white cloud Aloof, children hiding among long sleeve shirts What once was heard in playful delight deserts Now await quietly for snow dropped flakes to reach In fish smooth lakes fathers and sons bond in speech Shakes of wind…

“Air Of God” Poem from SHE

“Air Of God” I searched until I was no more In my form, I was the air of war Oh how I caved into the blood That became rivers dried in mud And the sky fell to fill my empty seas This world rocked in faded harmony Where bodies blanket the stained land Nourishing trees…

“Making Light Speak” Poem from SHE

“Making Light Speak” And in calming light Doth your face speak A thousand words left Within me pure and deep Entwined in these passages Of our forever wonders Making magic happen Easily in our ever after To have finished my poetry book, “SHE” was a passion project that helped me through my battle with kidney…

“Music” Poem from SHE

“Music“ Music is the key to tune a melodic soul It tells us how we feel and what we know Aggressive pain ripping and tearing in shame Or happiness in a near miss of moments amidst Without the sound that is silent in the mid of the art We would be closed to the truth…

“Why So Serious” Poem from SHE

“Why So Serious“ I heard a joke in the beat of a sway About this person or the other being gay What humor could stand its ground Laughing at a person acting a clown Perspective is always enlightening When you see truth in your frightening Take a listen at what you hear Inside your anger…

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas For Ladies!

It’s that time of the year to express your love. A love for the woman of your dreams! And what better way to do that than to buy her something on Valentine’s day! This list is to get you thinking about buying more than a gift. Let’s look beyond flowers, candy, perfume, or even sexy…

Giving Yourself Time

Success doesn’t happen overnight. And life is never a race. Learn how to giving yourself time will grant you so much more reward in the end. Work at your pace and plan your attack so you know when, where, and why you are doing what you are doing! Do you have what it takes to….…

Altayon “A Love So True” Acoustic

This song is something I filled up with joy to write. The lyrics are from the poem written by my wife and the love of my life. She is my everything. When she sent this to me I was smitten like a kitten. Well, she’s the kitten, I’m the monkey! Her poem is near and…

Wants VS Needs

In this video, I go over the value of understanding your personal wants vs the needs we must have to survive in life. Success comes with sacrifice. Once we can determine our wants vs our needs we can then set a gameplan into motion. Relying on our needs till we can truly afford our wants.…

Thank you for everything!

A huge thanks to everyone who wrote a review for my poetry book “SHE“. 19 reviews! All beautifully written and it motivates me to keep writing. Love you all, peace upon you!!! I am giving away 20 free pages to anyone who wants them. Comment below to get my attention and get your free 20…

Altayon “Oath” Acoustic

This video is a song written back in the heyday of well, you know when I use to play more regularly. I edited the lyrics and placed this song, along with a good amount of other songs, into a new “revised” poetry book coming out soon. “I love the play of the tempos… it was…