And It Changes

03 23 17


We don’t always know what is coming when we wake up that day. Never will it be clear who will be in our lives by the end of the week. For that matter, we can’t be too sure who will be new in our path either. Truth remains the same, things change. Live moves on and what was will never be again. How can this be embraced? Is it something to ignore before it becomes to real!? Hell with it, have fun with the unknown. Hey, you never know…

In my short time living in this world, on the planet Earth, now somehow 1 of 8 other options… I have figured that it is time to utilize my time the best way I can. Those who come into my life and drain me will be excommunicated from my world. I say “excommunicated” with a profound belief that my personal world is a state of religious embrace. We all are this way. We are a holy place of opportunity and divine blessing. Believing in God or not is irrelevant. You should believe in your value as a person.

So now I move forward everyday, having cleansed my soul of darkness and pain. Dancing in the blood of light across my face, dreaming in open faucets doused my feet in warm hope. And from here I stand clear of all that came before. I am the mountain of opportunity, the King of my personal domain. Let me breathe in the truth of my eyes and listen with my heart corrupted no more but fear and that which has departed. And when I begin to tense up I must remain the same and it changes…


Do you have what it takes to Make A Right Left Here… Do you!?

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If you need a little blurb “about me” here you go. But please, read it with an English Accent. Or a really bad Australian accent.

Originally a Musician playing with the band TENEbRAE for 10 years. Thomas J. Bellezza added Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Directing, Writing, Producing, and Raising Capital into his life. Having owned a fully polished performance theater in Holbrook, NY he helped others open their shows including his own productions. He is a consultant for businesses and individuals focusing on the process of building success. His areas of expertise are in networking, marketing, management (time, money, and people), and finding solutions.

BBR Productions Inc : Our mission is to bring reality to your dreams by being an affordable all inclusive production company for every type of venture and those who wish to find success in possibility through Consulting, Marketing, and Developing.

oh DEER! Productions : The hands on company. Where BBR Productions Inc designs, raises capital, and is there through the development of an idea, oh DEER! Productions does the physical work after the conceptional stage has concluded.

Team Rise Together : Our mission is to allow artists an outlet to express their vision in an environment to collaborate with like-minded individuals working in a synergetic growth to success by helping one another in a team effort to say YES to a future in entertainment. A gathering of Actors, Crew, Writers, Producers, and Directors working together to bring media projects to life. We take on interns from colleges and give them real time experience. My we work together, grow together, and rise together!

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